1. Parties
This Buyer Membership Agreement (“Buyer Agreement”), between TURKEYANA CLINIC SAĞLIK TURİZMİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (“TURKEYANA PLUS”) and the Buyer who is a member of the Website, the services offered on the Website by TURKEYANA PLUS are used by the “Buyer”. The Buyer accepts and declares that he has read the entire Buyer Agreement, fully understood its content and approved all of its provisions.
2. Definitions
Service / Services: Applications put forward by “TURKEYANA PLUS” in order to enable “Buyer” members to perform their business and transactions defined in this contract.
User / Users: Real and legal persons accessing the “Website”.
Website: The website where “TURKEYANA PLUS”, accessible to the domain name www.turkeyanaplus.com com, offers its “Services”, the scope of which is determined by this agreement.
Member / Members: Real and legal persons who are members of the “Web Site” and benefit from the content, applications and “Services” on the “Web Site”.
Buyer: Real or legal person “Member” who purchases the goods and / or services offered for sale by the “Seller” on the “Website”.
Seller: Legal person who offers goods and / or services on the “Website” is a “Member”.
Virtual Store: The “Sellers” can have the opportunity to publish advertisements related to more than one goods and / or services provided by them in a section specially reserved for them and other opportunities determined by “TURKEYANA PLUS”, detailed features in the relevant section of the “Website” “Service” specified and provided through the “Website”.
Member Page: The “Buyer” can perform the necessary actions to benefit from the various applications and “Services” on the “Website”, enter his personal information and the information requested from him on the basis of the application can only be accessed with the user name and password specified by the “Buyer”. ” Buyer “member specific page.
3. Subject and scope of the contract
The subject of this contract is the determination of the terms and conditions regarding the use of the services offered by “TURKEYANA PLUS” on the “Website” by the “Buyer” and the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties accordingly.
The scope of this contract is the determination of the terms and conditions regarding all “Services”, applications and content on the “Website”, and the “Services” provided by “TURKEYANA PLUS”, usage, content, applications, all ” All kinds of statements to members and users will be considered as an integral part of this contract. With the acceptance of this contract by the “Buyer”, all kinds of declarations to the “Services”, usage, contents, applications, “Members” and users made by “TURKEYANA PLUS” on and to be included in the “Buyer” “Website” accepts, declares and undertakes that it has accepted.
4. Rights and obligations
4.1. In order to gain the status of “Buyer”, the “User” who wants to become a “Buyer” member must approve the TURKEYANA PLUS Membership Agreement on the “Website” and fill in the membership application with real information in line with the information requested in the membership form, and the membership application must be made by “TURKEYANA PLUS”. The “User” who wants to become a member must be over the age of 18, if it is a real person. With the completion of the approval process and notification to the Buyer, the “Buyer” status starts and thus the “Buyer” has the rights and obligations specified in the relevant parts of this contract and the “Web site”. The “User” is personally responsible for all damages that may arise due to incorrect information that does not provide the membership conditions in accordance with the truth. The “Buyer” rights and obligations arise only on the person applying for the “Buyer”, and the “Buyer” cannot transfer these rights and obligations partially or completely to any third party. If there is a dispute about which real or legal person the rights and obligations of the “buyer” belong to and the persons in question make a request from “TURKEYANA PLUS”, “TURKEYANA PLUS” will be used as the latest “TURKEYANA PLUS” for any “Service” by using the relevant membership account. Accept that the relevant membership account of the real or legal person making a payment to PLUS has the “Buyer” rights and obligations and will take action accordingly; In such a case, “TURKEYANA PLUS” reserves the right to act independently of the rule specified in this article in line with membership information, member transactions and similar information.
4.2. If the “Buyer” wishes to initiate any legal action or purchasing process regarding the advertisements displayed on the “Website”, it is obliged to fulfill all the necessary legal obligations and legal procedures, including those on the “Website”, in relation to these obligations and procedures. “TURKEYANA PLUS”s does not have any information and responsibility.
4.4. The “Buyer” declares that the information, content and advertisements uploaded by him to the “Website” are correct and lawful, defamation, defamation, defamation, defamation, libel, threats or harassment, and that this information will not be unlawful or immoral. and the publication of the contents on the “Website” or the sale and display of the goods and services specified in the advertisements do not violate the law in accordance with the current legislation, do not cause violation of rights, publishing, offering for sale and selling the goods and services to which the said advertisements and contents are related. He accepts and undertakes that he has all the rights and powers for him.
4.5. In the transactions and correspondence performed on the “Website” while in “Buyer”, “Member” and “User” statuses; will act in accordance with the provisions of this contract, all terms and conditions specified on the “Website” and applicable legislation and ethical rules, regarding the measures and procedures required by the legislation regarding the advertiser, seller, taxpayer or similar titles in all transactions carried out by him on the “Website”. declares that he / she has to fulfill the transactions, that he / she understands and accepts these terms and conditions. The legal and criminal responsibility of the “Buyer” in every transaction and action performed within the “Website” belongs to him.
4.6. “TURKEYANA PLUS” will share the information of the “Buyer” with the relevant authorities in case of a request from the competent authorities in accordance with the current legislation. This information may be transmitted to other users who may be a party to the dispute between the members in order to enable other users to exercise their legal rights and only limited to this scope.
4.7. The user name and password information that the “Buyer” needs to access the “Buyer Member Profile Page” and perform some transactions on the “Website” is created by the “Buyer”, and the security and confidentiality of such information is entirely under the responsibility of the “Buyer”. The “Buyer” declares that the transactions carried out with his username and password were carried out by him, and that the responsibility arising from these transactions belongs to him in advance; It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not be able to make any objection and / or claim that it does not perform the work and transactions carried out in this way and / or that it will not refrain from fulfilling its obligations based on this defect or objection.
4.8. “TURKEYANA PLUS” means any unlawful use of the “Web Site” and, in particular, any use of the “Web Site” within the scope specified below, and any acquisition, copying, processing, use of all or part of the content on the “Web Site”. and does not allow and does not give consent to provide links to the content on the “Website”.
The use of the “Website” by the “Buyer” or a third party to create, check, update, change a database, record or directory belonging to him or another person;
Using the whole or any part of the “Website” for the purpose of breaking, modifying, reverse engineering;
Making transactions using false information or using another user’s information, creating unreal user accounts by providing false or misleading personal information, residence address, e-mail address, contact, payment and account information, and unlawful use of the Website through these accounts. Use within or outside the scope of the terms of use or membership agreement and its annexes, unauthorized use of another user’s account, being a party or participant in transactions by substituting another person or under a wrong name, or creating an account,
Using the website for all kinds of illegal or fraudulent purposes, copying, copying, modifying, transmitting, copying, modifying, transmitting all or part of the copyrighted, legally protected or third party content without its owner or permission, including personal privacy and publication rights insertion of a new one;
Manipulating the price of any transaction or interfering with other users’ transactions;
Use of comment and scoring systems for purposes outside of the Website and for purposes other than those used (such as publishing the comments on the Website outside the Website);
Chain letter or unsolicited e-mail (spam) spreading;
Spreading of a virus or any other technology damaging the Website, the database of the Website, any content on the Website;
Collecting any information about “users”, including their e-mail addresses, without their consent;
Sending data with an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on communications and technical systems specified by the “Website”. lemma.
Using “screen scraping” software or systems such as automatic programs, robots, web crawlers, spiders, data mining, data crawling, etc. on the “Website” without the prior written consent of TURKEYANA PLUS and such Copying, publishing, using all or part of any content on the “Website” without permission;
The use of the “Web site” and the content on the “Web site” outside the usage limits specified in this contract is illegal, and “TURKEYANA PLUS” reserves the right to demand, sue and pursue.
4.9 “TURKEYANA PLUS”, the “Member / Personal” information declared to the “Website” by the “Buyer”, in accordance with the Privacy Policy, the obligations set forth in this agreement and the execution of the applications required for the operation of the “Website” It can be used and stored and shared on behalf of itself or its business partners for statistical evaluations, advertising, marketing and other commercial communication activities. The “Buyer” agrees and declares that it consents to the use and storage of its information by “TURKEYANA PLUS”. The buyer will have the right to make changes on his personal information at any time.
4.10 “Recipient”; “Any information, content, material or data provided to the Website” by him / her, “such as viruses, spyware, malicious software, Trojan horse, etc.” It accepts, declares and undertakes that it has taken the necessary measures (including using the necessary anti-virus software).
5. Intellectual property rights
The Buyer cannot resell, share, distribute, exhibit, reproduce, make or prepare works derived from the services provided on the Website, the information of TURKEYANA PLUS and the copyrighted works of TURKEYANA PLUS, or allow anyone else to access or use these services; otherwise, they will be liable for compensation from TURKEYANA PLUS for damages incurred by third parties, including but not limited to licensors, and any other liabilities, including but not limited to court costs and attorney fees.
All assets of TURKEYANA PLUS, including any material and intellectual property rights owned by TURKEYANA PLUS Services, TURKEYANA PLUS information, TURKEYANA PLUS copyrighted works, TURKEYANA PLUS trademarks, and all rights regarding personal rights, commercial information and know-how are reserved.
6. Contract changes
“TURKEYANA PLUS”, at its sole discretion and unilaterally, may change this contract at any time it deems appropriate by announcing on the “Website. Changing provisions of this contract will become valid on the date of their announcement, the remaining provisions remain in effect and have consequences. This contract cannot be changed by the unilateral declaration of the “Buyer” member.
7. Force majeure
TURKEYANA PLUS is not liable for late or incomplete performance or non-performance of any of the actions specified in this Agreement in all cases legally regarded as force majeure. In case of force majeure; delay, incomplete performance or non-performance or default will not be deemed or the Buyer will not be entitled to any compensation under any name from TURKEYANA PLUS. Force majeure term; TURKEYANA PLUS ‘, including but not limited to natural disasters, riots, wars, strikes, cyber attacks, communication problems, infrastructure and internet malfunctions, system-related improvement or renewal works and failures that may occur due to this, power failure and bad weather conditions. will be interpreted as unavoidable events that are beyond the reasonable control of the Company and that cannot be prevented despite the necessary care.
8.Applicable law and authority
Turkish Law will be applied in the implementation, interpretation of this contract and in the management of legal relations arising under this contract. Istanbul Central Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized in the settlement of any dispute that arises or may arise due to this contract.
9. Validity of TURKEYANA PLUS registrations
“Buyer”, in the disputes that may arise from this contract, “TURKEYANA PLUS ‘electronic and system records, commercial records, book records, microfilm, microfiche and computer records will constitute reliable binding, definitive and exclusive evidence,” TURKEYANA PLUS ” He accepts, declares and undertakes that he has canceled his oath offer and that this article is an evidential contract within the meaning of Article 193 of the HMK.
10. Integrity
Of this contract the invalidity, illegality and unenforceability of any provision or any statement contained in the contract will not affect the validity and validity of the remaining provisions of the contract.
11. Notification
The recipients will be contacted via e-mail notified while registering or through the general information on the website. Communication by e-mail replaces written communication. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to keep the e-mail address up-to-date and to check the Web site regularly for information. The Buyer agrees, declares and undertakes that by approving this contract electronically as of the date of membership, it will remain bound by the terms of the contract during its membership.
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